Sunday, October 21, 2012

Brand New - Hello!!

I am motivated to write this blog for all things fitness.  Us women (I'm going to speak for the general population at the current moment) are busy people.  Most of us work full time (be it a full time SAH mother, or work full time), have children, have significant others/spouses, run to extracurricular activities and social obligations attempting to somewhat maintain an identity to maintain our sanity and happiness.  

Hello, my name is Dominique.  I am a mother, a wife, and I work full time and go to school full time.  I have little time to myself, and when I do, I choose to workout (most of the time).  I'm a runner.  Let me rephrase this, I WANT to call myself a runner, and I do.  I run often.  Am I good? No.  Do I complete?  No.  But I want to.  I am trying to get healthy after having my daughter, to feel better about myself while maintaining my identity and maintaining my sanity.  I am currently on weight watchers for the 3rd or 4th time (i've lost count).  I am determined this time around.  I'm on week two, and not doing so hot.  I'm having a difficult time for some reason, and this time around i've noticed that i've been struggling with emotionally eating and portion control.  I'm not sure how this blog will work, but i'm hoping it will motivate myself to put myself out there, document my goals, while possibly being a motivator to others.  I'm not great with technology, so hopefully that will increase as time goes on. 
Another tid bit about myself is I love God and all of his blessings.  I may incorporate my struggles/blessings/happiness and how it relates to my life.  I am not forcing my religion and spirituality on you, but I feel strongly about my faith and what my Heavenly Father has done for my family and I.  That I am grateful for. 

Not sure how often I plan on "blogging" - can I call myself a blogger now, HA!  My current goals this week:  
  • Work out 5 days this week
  • 3 out of 5 days must be running my C210k program
  • Start my Jillian Michaels Body Revolution dvd - it makes me work a sweat like you wouldn't believe.
  • Count every single point on WW.  No matter what.  My week starts on Wednesdays.