Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Today I am challenging myself to 50 days of running.  Found a fantastic article online, and I am committing this promise to myself.  I will have two "easy" run/walking days (recovery) days, to decrease the risk of injury.  I am currently on week 6 of the Couch to 10k - and loving it.  I do this 3 days per week as my hard runs.  I will also cross-train and such as well, but this will get me through the holidays - while boosting my self esteem.  

Tonight's run consisted of a 5 minute warm up, run one mile (or 10 minutes), walk 3 minutes, then run one mile (or 10 minutes) with a 5 minute cool down.  I did a much longer cool down, because my legs were tired.  I ran between a 5.0-6.0 pace - the fastest i've ever ran honestly (i'm a turtle...).  I couldn't be happier with my progress.  I ran/walked a 5k in 42 minutes this evening.  This is amazing for me, considering I had a LONG cool down (walking at a 2.5 pace for the last 5 minutes). 

I have been struggling with food still.  It's an internal battle.  Today, I have done well, and made positive choices overall.  I have counted every single point.  Every one.  I promise.  I feel good about it.  I do have a couple of challenging days coming up - so I am determined to get some exercise in and be successful!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I've really been struggling as of lately.  I feel like my whole world is a struggle in regards to fitness/diet.  As a lot of you know, i've been on weight watchers for about 2 years.  I've lost all of my baby weight from my pregnancy, plus some.  I quit WW thinking I could do it on my own, and realized quickly that I couldn't.  It was a personal decision for me.  I rejoined about a month ago, and I have sucked ever since.  I weighed in yesterday, and broke down on the person "weighing" me in.  He gave me great advice.  He asked me a fantastic question:  "Why do you want to get to goal weight?"  My first response was to get healthy.  He told me it wasn't good enough, and I needed to dig deeper.  My response: silence.  I thought about it for awhile, and ultimately, it was to be fit and in shape.  I want to be an athlete.  Wait - scratch that.  I AM an athlete.  I am a runner.  I could tear myself down with my current faults, but i'm choosing not too.  I will rise above, be a healthy role model for my daughter, for myself, and to achieve my goals.  Tomorrow, I am starting my 50 day streak of running.  I will run everyday for 50 days.  I will have easy days and difficult days.  I will be tempted to sit on the couch - but knowing I have this goal will help me succeed.  My goals for the week:

1. Track every single bite.  Every one.
2. Work toward my 50 day streak.
3. Count every single mile.
4. Remember to take care of my body - athletes take care of their bodies, and so will I. 

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Brand New - Hello!!

I am motivated to write this blog for all things fitness.  Us women (I'm going to speak for the general population at the current moment) are busy people.  Most of us work full time (be it a full time SAH mother, or work full time), have children, have significant others/spouses, run to extracurricular activities and social obligations attempting to somewhat maintain an identity to maintain our sanity and happiness.  

Hello, my name is Dominique.  I am a mother, a wife, and I work full time and go to school full time.  I have little time to myself, and when I do, I choose to workout (most of the time).  I'm a runner.  Let me rephrase this, I WANT to call myself a runner, and I do.  I run often.  Am I good? No.  Do I complete?  No.  But I want to.  I am trying to get healthy after having my daughter, to feel better about myself while maintaining my identity and maintaining my sanity.  I am currently on weight watchers for the 3rd or 4th time (i've lost count).  I am determined this time around.  I'm on week two, and not doing so hot.  I'm having a difficult time for some reason, and this time around i've noticed that i've been struggling with emotionally eating and portion control.  I'm not sure how this blog will work, but i'm hoping it will motivate myself to put myself out there, document my goals, while possibly being a motivator to others.  I'm not great with technology, so hopefully that will increase as time goes on. 
Another tid bit about myself is I love God and all of his blessings.  I may incorporate my struggles/blessings/happiness and how it relates to my life.  I am not forcing my religion and spirituality on you, but I feel strongly about my faith and what my Heavenly Father has done for my family and I.  That I am grateful for. 

Not sure how often I plan on "blogging" - can I call myself a blogger now, HA!  My current goals this week:  
  • Work out 5 days this week
  • 3 out of 5 days must be running my C210k program
  • Start my Jillian Michaels Body Revolution dvd - it makes me work a sweat like you wouldn't believe.
  • Count every single point on WW.  No matter what.  My week starts on Wednesdays.