Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Today I am challenging myself to 50 days of running.  Found a fantastic article online, and I am committing this promise to myself.  I will have two "easy" run/walking days (recovery) days, to decrease the risk of injury.  I am currently on week 6 of the Couch to 10k - and loving it.  I do this 3 days per week as my hard runs.  I will also cross-train and such as well, but this will get me through the holidays - while boosting my self esteem.  

Tonight's run consisted of a 5 minute warm up, run one mile (or 10 minutes), walk 3 minutes, then run one mile (or 10 minutes) with a 5 minute cool down.  I did a much longer cool down, because my legs were tired.  I ran between a 5.0-6.0 pace - the fastest i've ever ran honestly (i'm a turtle...).  I couldn't be happier with my progress.  I ran/walked a 5k in 42 minutes this evening.  This is amazing for me, considering I had a LONG cool down (walking at a 2.5 pace for the last 5 minutes). 

I have been struggling with food still.  It's an internal battle.  Today, I have done well, and made positive choices overall.  I have counted every single point.  Every one.  I promise.  I feel good about it.  I do have a couple of challenging days coming up - so I am determined to get some exercise in and be successful!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


I've really been struggling as of lately.  I feel like my whole world is a struggle in regards to fitness/diet.  As a lot of you know, i've been on weight watchers for about 2 years.  I've lost all of my baby weight from my pregnancy, plus some.  I quit WW thinking I could do it on my own, and realized quickly that I couldn't.  It was a personal decision for me.  I rejoined about a month ago, and I have sucked ever since.  I weighed in yesterday, and broke down on the person "weighing" me in.  He gave me great advice.  He asked me a fantastic question:  "Why do you want to get to goal weight?"  My first response was to get healthy.  He told me it wasn't good enough, and I needed to dig deeper.  My response: silence.  I thought about it for awhile, and ultimately, it was to be fit and in shape.  I want to be an athlete.  Wait - scratch that.  I AM an athlete.  I am a runner.  I could tear myself down with my current faults, but i'm choosing not too.  I will rise above, be a healthy role model for my daughter, for myself, and to achieve my goals.  Tomorrow, I am starting my 50 day streak of running.  I will run everyday for 50 days.  I will have easy days and difficult days.  I will be tempted to sit on the couch - but knowing I have this goal will help me succeed.  My goals for the week:

1. Track every single bite.  Every one.
2. Work toward my 50 day streak.
3. Count every single mile.
4. Remember to take care of my body - athletes take care of their bodies, and so will I.